Revista de Salud Animal
Revista Salud Animal's mission is to disseminate the results of research in Animal Health with current topics related to physiology, biochemistry, hygienic and sanitary quality of milk, biotechnology, biomodels, quality assurance and control of different processes, clinical analysis, trials preclinical and clinical studies associated with the development of medicines for veterinary and human use, epidemiology, risk analysis and its relationship with surveillance, prevention and control of diseases, pharmacology, genetics, clinical and molecular veterinary diagnosis, microbiology, immunology, parasitology, pathology, production processes, animal reproduction, toxicology, analysis of contaminants that affect animal and human health, zoohygiene, among others. The articles in Spanish and English and with a summary in both languages, are peer reviewed in a double-blind manner by specialists from various national and international institutions that guarantee the technical quality and content of the journal. It is aimed at professionals and technicians in the field of veterinary medicine and related sciences. It has been published continuously since 1979.
This journal provides free, open and immediate access to its content, to encourage greater exchange of global knowledge. It does not establish embargo periods, nor does it charge any fees related to the process of peer evaluation, processing or publication of documents. Those authors who have publications in this journal accept the terms of the CC Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0), under which all its contents will be disseminated.
Revista de Protección Vegetal
Revista de Protección Vegetal, an organ of scientific diffusion of the National Center for Animal and Plant Health (CENSA), publishes research results in Plant Protection of this and other national and foreign institutions. It is addressed to professionals and technicians related to this activity and related sciences. It is published quarterly since 1986. Diffuse researches on Plant Health. The main topics are: Diagnostic and identification of harmful organisms in plants; Biology and populational studies; Pest and disease management; Development of biological control agents; as well as works related to the Characterization of pathogens and Resistance to pests and diseases. Topics related to Quality management are also included.The Editorial Board will welcome contributions related to Plant Protection, referring to: diagnosis, identification and characterization of organisms harmful to plants, bioinformatics applied to Plant Protection, biology and population studies of pests, integrated and agroecological management of pests, chemical ecology, development and use of biological control agents, multitrophic interactions and pest resistance, studies of damages caused by pests to crops and stored agricultural products, socio-economic studies related to pest management, quality management in the manufacture of microbial pesticides and in the mass production of beneficial arthropods, mathematics and informatics applied to Plant Health, methods of pesticide application, environmental impact of pesticide use and benefits of their rational use, field trials of genetically modified crops, invasive pests, climate change and its relationships with pests and biorregulators, agricultural extension, studies of hazards, and vulnerabilities and risks of phytosanitary disasters. The manuscripts, technically valid, will be published in Spanish and English, with a summary in both languages. Authors whose mother tongue is Spanish must submit the manuscript in that language; the journal will be responsible for its translation into the English language. The contributions are anonymously peer reviewed by specialists from various national and international institutions that guarantee the technical quality and content of the journal. The results are published in different formats: Original Article, Short Communication, Letter to the Editor, Review Article, and Technical Note. Is indexed in: SciELO, CABI, AGRIS, EBSCO, Review of Plant Pathology, LATINDEX, PERIODICA y CubaCiencias.