Efecto de un candidato vacunal (E2) contra la peste porcina clásica sobre los indicadores bioproductivos de una granja porcina

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Osvaldo Fonseca
Patricia Domínguez
Daine Chong
Edyniesky Ferrer
Octavio Fernández
Sara Castell
María Teresa Frías
Marisela Suárez
María Pilar Rodríguez
María Irian Percedo


Classical swine fever (CSF) belongs to the group of diseases classified as notifiable to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). Prophylactic and systematic vaccination with modified live virus has been the main strategy for controlling CSF in large endemic areas, although, to meet their limitations, the so-called «marker vaccines» have been developed. In Cuba, a new vaccine candidate against CSF virus has been developed based on the E2 glycoprotein of its viral envelope (CVE2). After passing successfully through a series of laboratory tests, its evaluation under field conditions was required; as part of the various experiments carried out, it was decided to evaluate the behavior of the bioproductive indicators at a farm before and after the application of CVE2. The studies were conducted at a pig farm with a history of CSF endemism for several years where the animals were regularly vaccinated with the lapinized Chinese strain vaccine (LABIOFAM S.A.) as part of the control of the disease and the CVE2 began to be applied. After the CVE2 application, improvement of the bioproductive indicators was observed in the population studied.

Key words: pigs, Classical Swine Fever, vaccine, E2 subunit protein, bioproductive indicators.


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Cómo citar
Fonseca O, Domínguez P, Chong D, Ferrer E, Fernández O, Castell S, Frías MT, Suárez M, Rodríguez MP, Percedo MI. Efecto de un candidato vacunal (E2) contra la peste porcina clásica sobre los indicadores bioproductivos de una granja porcina. Rev. Salud Anim. [Internet]. 19 de mayo de 2016 [citado 9 de marzo de 2025];38(1):25-9. Disponible en: https://revistas.censa.edu.cu/index.php/RSA/article/view/697

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