Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale BIOFILM FORMATION IN ABIOTIC SURFACE

Contenido principal del artículo

J. Vichi
Marian Hernández
Ivette Espinosa
M. Báez
Siomara Martínez


Although there is a large amount of data and information about pathogens, commensal and environmental bacteria came from the study of planktonic growth. It is now clear that bacteria in the tissues and/or environment live more as communities of microorganisms surrounded by an extracellular polymeric matrix (biofilms) than as single cell suspensions. Many biofilm infections are difficult to solve and they commonly are manifested as chronic or recurrent infections because of microorganisms growing as biofilms are significantly less susceptible to antibiotics and host defenses than planktonic forms.
Recently, our group researched the ability Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale to produce biofilms in abiotic surface. Results showed statistical differences in biofilm formation among nine Cuban isolates of unknow serotype incubated in polystyrene plates during 48 h; however all were moderate biofilm producer. The inoculation in borosilicate tubes
This new highlight aspect increases knowledge on this bacterium and its potential to develop latent infections that could be a critical point in the pathogenesis, epidemiology and control programme of avian respiratory diseases.

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Cómo citar
Vichi J, Hernández M, Espinosa I, Báez M, Martínez S. Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale BIOFILM FORMATION IN ABIOTIC SURFACE. Rev. Salud Anim. [Internet]. 22 de mayo de 2013 [citado 9 de marzo de 2025];34(1):65. Disponible en: https://revistas.censa.edu.cu/index.php/RSA/article/view/77

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