Clinic-parasitologic state of young bovines and effect of anthelmintics on faecal egg counts of gastrointestinal strongilides

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Bulgan Boldbaatar
Teresa de la Caridad Meireles
Tamara Fernández
Jorge Demedio


The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical-parasitological condition and the effect of anthelmintics on faecal egg counts (Epg) in a cattle breeding farm in the province of Artemisa. The herd consisted of 300 animals between six and 10 months of age. The unit maintained poor quality pastures due to drought, with a predominance of species such as Paspalumnotatum and Sporobolusindicus, which are plants of low nutritional value. Soils had been restored with clayey red ferrallitic fill over stony areas. Calves were supplemented with dried sugarcane straw and a limited feed ration not exceeding 0.5 kg/day. Physical-clinical evaluation (body condition, color of conjunctiva and hematocrit value) and its relation to faecal egg counts of gastrointestinal strongylides (Gis) and their genera present were carried out in 45 animals. The effect of albendazole, ivermectin and levamisole on Epg was assessed. In those treated with ivermectin, the hematocrit value (Hct) was also evaluated. Egg counts were performed by McMaster technique and genera by L3 cultures. Body condition score 2 and 3, low mean hematocrit value and moderate parasitism were determined, with predominance of the genera Cooperia and Haemonchus. The three chemotherapeutic procedures reduced the Epg count by 98.21%, 97.93-99.98% and 100%, respectively. It is recommended to improve herd feeding, intensify the integrated control measures and apply treatments based on body condition or FAMACHA© method.

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How to Cite
Boldbaatar B, Meireles T de la C, Fernández T, Demedio J. Clinic-parasitologic state of young bovines and effect of anthelmintics on faecal egg counts of gastrointestinal strongilides. Rev. Salud Anim. [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 2 [cited 2024 Nov. 14];43(1). Available from:


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