Effect of membrane protector and thawing solution on the in vitro quality of frozen goat semen in pellets

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Josefa Amada Martínez Durán
Omar Duverger Tellez
Namibia Díaz Martínez
Lisbany Interian Alvarez
Ramón Denis García
Zahilys López Abreu
Mara Dunia Quintana Utra
Alejandro Palacios Espinosa


The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of membrane protector and thawing solution on the in vitro quality of goat semen frozen in pellets. Two hundred and fourteen ejaculates, collected twice a week by artificial vagina, were processed. The parameters volume, motility, concentration, viability, and total sperm abnormalities were evaluated. Suitable ejaculates were mixed and divided into two portions. Each received the corresponding formulation without carrying out the sperm washing by centrifugation. A non-commercial freeze-dried diluent composed of Tris-Glucose-Citric Acid and Glycerol, with different membrane protectors, egg yolk (4.45%) or BSA (5%), was used. It was frozen in vapor phase nitrogen (0.1 mL pellets), stored in liquid nitrogen for seven days. For thawing, two solutions (Tris and CIMATE) and a control (dry tube without thawing solution) were used. Percent motility (30, 120 and 240 minutes), viability and damaged acrosomes (30 and 120 minutes) were determined in incubation test. Membrane protector, thawing solution and their interactions were compared using a Binary Logistic Regression model. The combination of BSA and CIMATE presented the highest probability (P<0.05) of motility and viability at all times and the lowest probability (P<0.05) of damaged acrosomes at 30 min and 120 min. It is concluded that BSA can be used as a membrane protector for goat semen frozen in pellets in a freeze-dried Tris-based diluent, without carrying out sperm washing by centrifugation. In addition, CIMATO solution, as a thawing agent, enables better sperm cell recovery.

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Martínez Durán JA, Duverger Tellez O, Díaz Martínez N, Interian Alvarez L, Denis García R, López Abreu Z, Quintana Utra MD, Palacios Espinosa A. Effect of membrane protector and thawing solution on the in vitro quality of frozen goat semen in pellets. Rev. Salud Anim. [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 20 [cited 2024 Sep. 28];44:https://cu-id.com/2248/v44e09. Available from: https://revistas.censa.edu.cu/index.php/RSA/article/view/1198


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