First report of canine parvovirus subtype 2c (CPV-2c) in Cuba

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Abdulahi Alfonso-Morales
Itamys C. García Villar
Moraima Pérez Gómez
Teresa Figueroa Barrios


Canine parvovirus 2 (CPV-2) has been recognized worldwide as the causal agent of a contagious and highly fatal disease in dogs. Since the first appearance of CPV-2, six antigenic variants (2, 2a, New 2a, 2b, New 2b and 2c) have been distributed in different countries. The current study was conducted to provide data on CPV-2 subtypes circulating in Cuba, their molecular characterization and determine the evolutionary genetic relationships. Fifty-seven stool samples from dogs with clinical signs of parvovirus were tested using hemagglutination (HA), ELISA and a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Canine parvovirus (CPV) was detected by hemagglutination in 63.13 % and by ELISA in 66.67 % of the samples. Based on VP2 analysis of five PCR-positive samples, glutamic acid at 426 amino acid residue, characteristic of CPV-2c subtype, were detected. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Cuban CPV-2c strains were closely related to most CPV-2c strains reported worldwide. . This subtype 2c strains exhibited high variability, forming two subgroups: CPV-2c GI and CPV-2c GII. The phylogenetic analysis of VP2 amino acid sequence showed that all CPV-2c isolates from Cuba formed a monophyletic group distant from the prototypical CPV-2c strains from other countries (CPV-2c GII), closely related to six strains from Mexico and the United States of America, exhibiting Thr440Ala substitution. This report describes the first detection of canine parvovirus subtype 2c (CPV-2c) in Cuba.

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Alfonso-Morales A, García Villar IC, Pérez Gómez M, Figueroa Barrios T. First report of canine parvovirus subtype 2c (CPV-2c) in Cuba. Rev. Salud Anim. [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 11 [cited 2024 Sep. 28];44: Available from:


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