Semen characteristics before and after cryopreservation of six horse breeds at latitudes near the Equator

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Antonio Jersain Montiel Quiroga
José Ernesto Hernández Pichardo
Arianna Miranda Martínez
Jaqueline Posadas Rodríguez
José Luis Rodríguez Suástegui


This research was aimed at analyzing semen quality before and after freezing, of six horse breeds during the reproductive and non-reproductive season, at latitudes near the Equator. Three hundred and two ejaculates from six horse breeds were analyzed, in which volume, progressive motility, sperm concentration, millions of motile spermatozoa, and approved doses for artificial insemination (AI), were determined. Considering latitudes near the Equator, progressive motility, sperm concentration and millions of motile spermatozoa in the six breeds were similar between breeding and non-breeding seasons (p>0.05); except for volume, where Holsteiner breed varied between seasons (p<0.05). Regarding comparisons among breeds, Holsteiner showed an outstanding behavior in some parameters during the breeding season (p<0.05). The number of doses approved for AI during breeding season increased (p<0.05), regardless of the type of cryoprotectant or the package used for freezing. No significant change was observed in the parameters assessed before freezing in most breeds, at latitudes near the Equator. However, a change in the number of the approved doses for AI during breeding season was observed.

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Montiel Quiroga AJ, Hernández Pichardo JE, Miranda Martínez A, Posadas Rodríguez J, Rodríguez Suástegui JL. Semen characteristics before and after cryopreservation of six horse breeds at latitudes near the Equator. Rev. Salud Anim. [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 1 [cited 2024 Nov. 24];44: Available from:


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