Spatial distribution of antimicrobial resistance of extra-intestinal clinical Escherichia coli isolated from poultry farms in western provinces of Cuba

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Oshin Ley-García
Yandy Abreu Jorge
Virginia Masdeus-Fonseca
Patricio Pinto-Morales
Damarys de las N. Montano-Valle
María I. Percedo Abreu
Ivette Espinosa
Pastor Alfonso


Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a worldwide concern and a threat to global public health. On the other hand, Escherichia coli has played a significant role in the evolution of AMR. The current study aimed to characterise the spatial pattern of AMR of extra-intestinal clinical E. coli isolated from commercial poultry in western provinces of Cuba. Data for the study covered January-2014 to December-2017. Trend analysis and exploratory description were carried out using R environment 4.0.4. ArcMap 10.4 was used for the spatial analysis by the Kernel Density Estimation method and visualisation map. Incremental trends in the frequency of resistance were observed during the study period. Kernel Density indicated that AMR was spatially distributed across the whole geographical region under study, although the highest density (high values) of AMR was located mainly in municipalities of Artemisa province. Areas of significantly higher and lower risk of AMR were identified in the Southeast and North of the region, respectively. Finally, the identification of the spatial distribution and relative risk surface of E. coli antimicrobial resistance from poultry farms in Cuba is a major step that contributes to optimise antimicrobial stewardship practices across the western region. This allows for improved preventive health measures and control strategies to prevent diseases and increase epidemiological surveillance.

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Ley-García O, Abreu Jorge Y, Masdeus-Fonseca V, Pinto-Morales P, Montano-Valle D de las N, Percedo Abreu MI, Espinosa I, Alfonso P. Spatial distribution of antimicrobial resistance of extra-intestinal clinical Escherichia coli isolated from poultry farms in western provinces of Cuba. Rev. Salud Anim. [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 21 [cited 2024 Sep. 28];45: Available from:


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