Hematological alterations in blood smears from pigs

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Patricia Felipe Herrera
Ernesto Vega Cañizares
Evelyn Lobo Rivero


In order to study the health status of sows in a production unit, clinical examination and blood analysis were carried out based on leukocytes count, red blood cell indicators and blood smear as a complementary study. The hematological analysis of the zootechnical category of breeding sows showed 26.08 % of the animals (6/23) with anemia and 47.82 % (11/23) with leukopenia. The study on the blood smear showed structures compatible with hemoplasmas in 65.21 % (15/23) of the animals studied and in 66.66 % (4/6) of the animals with anemia. The results represent a starting point for future research aimed at the detection of the pathogenic hemoplasmas using PCR assays.

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How to Cite
Felipe Herrera P, Vega Cañizares E, Lobo Rivero E. Hematological alterations in blood smears from pigs. Rev. Salud Anim. [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 28];45:https://cu-id.com/2248/v45e17. Available from: https://revistas.censa.edu.cu/index.php/RSA/article/view/1307


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