Report of enzootic calcinosis associated with the consumption of CESTRUM DIURNUM (day blooming jasmine) in a red deer (CERVUS ELAPHUS) from the national zoo of Cuba

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Irma Rosa Menéndez Brito


There was a report of a case of a captive red deer (Cervus elaphus) from the National Zoo of Cuba showing weight loss and kyphosis with walking difficulties. Cestrum diurnum had proliferated in the pasture where it was grazing and was ingested during a period of approximately two dry months, in which it also consumed little forage. The animal died, and at necropsy, the most outstanding findings were tissue mineralization of the aorta, carotid and pulmonary arteries, and calcification of the entire lung parenchyma. Additionally, a serous atrophy of the coronary heart fat and subcutaneous cellular tissue was observed as evidence of malnutrition. In this sense, it is concluded that the combination of factors given by the intense drought, the abundant exposure to Solanum glaucophyllum and the morphopathological picture found, represented a case of enzootic calcinosis associated with the consumption of Cestrum diurnum.

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Menéndez Brito IR. Report of enzootic calcinosis associated with the consumption of CESTRUM DIURNUM (day blooming jasmine) in a red deer (CERVUS ELAPHUS) from the national zoo of Cuba . Rev. Salud Anim. [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];46: Available from:


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