Microbiological study of goat milk with subclinical mastitis in two geographical regions of Ecuador
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To determine the situation of subclinical mastitis in Ecuador, 255 goats were sampled from 47 farms distributed in two geographic regions (mountain and plain). The results of bacteriological analysis of pre-milking and milking milk samples milk production, somatic cell count (SCC), chemical composition, and freezing point, were obtained from each goat. The prevalence of subclinical intramammary infection (IMI) was 42,4 %. It varied significantly (p<0,05) by breed; higher in the breeds: Others 61,9 % and Crossbreeds 52,6 % compared to Saanen 41,0 % and Creole 35,4 %). Regarding geographical regions, it was higher in farms in the mountain region 49,2 % than in the plain region 36,1 %. Prevalence was also slightly higher in goats with ≥3 births, although the number of births was not significant. A 90 % of IMI were caused by coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS), 5 % by Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and the remaining 5 % by Gram-negative bacteria.. Goats with subclinical mastitis showed higher SSC compared to IMI-free goats (logSCC cels/mL = 5,98±0,06 vs. 5,74±0,05, p<0,001). IMI by S. aureus exhibited the highest increase in SSC (logSSC cels/mL = 6,52±0,23), followed by CNS (5,93±0,05) and those not infected (5,66±0,04), showing significant differences (p<0,05) among them. The isolated Gram-negative bacteria hardly modified SCC (logSCC = 5,68±0,21). Milk yield and the milk quality variables registered did not differ significantly between healthy and IMI-affected udders.
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