Characterization of femoral fractures of dogs treated at a veterinary health service in Havana, Cuba

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Mitchell Torres González-Chávez
Yendri Zamora-Montalvo


Data from the orthopedic surgery registry of a veterinary health service in Havana, Cuba, in the period September 2015 - April 2017, were used in order to characterize femoral fractures of dogs treated in such center. Eighty-five cases of femoral fractures were treated, and proportion was determined according to sex, race, age range, affected limb, and radiological diagnosis. The proportion of fracture types and the different osteosynthesis systems used were calculated. The three most commonly used osteosynthesis systems were evaluated according to the postoperative evolution. Femoral fractures occurred more frequently in males than in females (p≤0.01), and in dogs less than or of one year old (0.55) when compared to the other age ranges (p≤0.001). Injuries from automobile origin, falls and unknown origin were those of greater proportion. The most frequent fractures were the closed ones (p≤0.05) with respect to the open ones, and the diaphyseal fractures when compared to the proximal and distal fractures (p≤0.001). In addition, transverse fractures occupied the first place (48 %), followed by the oblique ones (25 %). The movement of the limb began at 15.79 average days and the 92 % of the animals walked around 28 days after surgery. It was demonstrated that the most commonly used osteosynthesis system was "tie-in", and that the cases with intramedullary nail initiated the movement of the limb in fewer days.

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González-Chávez MT, Zamora-Montalvo Y. Characterization of femoral fractures of dogs treated at a veterinary health service in Havana, Cuba. Rev. Salud Anim. [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 19 [cited 2024 Nov. 22];40(1). Available from:


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