Seroprevalence of Canine parvovirus in dogs of Boyeros municipality, Havana, Cuba

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Duniel Pino-Rodríguez
Mario Márquez-Álvarez
Nicolás Andrés Rojas-Hoyos
Mitchell Torres González-Chávez


In order to determine the seroprevalence of antibodies against Canine parvovirus (CPV), blood samples were taken from 160 dogs over one year old. This study was carried out in Boyeros municipality, Havana, Cuba. For sera evaluation, an indirect ELISA was used. It was standardized by the division of the Biotechnology and Quality Control of CENPALAB (National Center for the Production of Laboratory Animals). A mixture of previously titrated sera from animals vaccinated against CPV was used as a positive control, and a canine serum free of specific antibodies as a negative control. Seroprevalence was determined by means of a cross-sectional observational epidemiological study, with the use of estimation data of the municipality's population. There was a seroprevalence of 95.63 % Canine parvovirus in the dogs of Boyeros municipality. This study showed a high prevalence in the studied population, which indicated a previous exposure to the agent and its wide circulation.

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Pino-Rodríguez D, Márquez-Álvarez M, Rojas-Hoyos NA, González-Chávez MT. Seroprevalence of Canine parvovirus in dogs of Boyeros municipality, Havana, Cuba. Rev. Salud Anim. [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 19 [cited 2024 Sep. 28];40(1). Available from:


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