Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum as a probiotic in weaning pigs

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Ronald René Vera-Mejía
Ernesto Vega-Cañizares
Lilian Sánchez-Miranda


In this research, the effect of the application of the probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum was evaluated in the feeding of weaning pigs taking into account the feed intake, average weight gain, feed conversion rate, presence of diarrhea and hematological indicators. A randomized complete block design (RCB) was used in 24 pigs of 26 days of age with three treatments (T): T1: control (without probiotic), T2: 10 mL and T3: 20 mL (1x109 CFU / mL) of the probiotic per animal, added to the feed daily up to 70 days of age. At the end of the experiment, there was not a significant effect found among the different groups regarding the weight indicators: weight gain and feed intake; however, there was a difference regarding feed conversion rate on T1 group with respect to the rest. With regard to diarrhea indicator, there was a significant difference (p≥0.01) in the animals belonging to the control group (T1), with an increase in percentage (57.14 %); while T2 and T3 groups showed a decrease in diarrhea (28.57 % and 14.28 %, respectively). The best results of the bioproductive indicators were in T3: feed intake (9.77 kg), final weight (40.77 kg), weight gain (4.66 kg), and feed conversion rate (1.58 kg). The hematological indicators were within the normal values of the porcine species. It is concluded that the animals presented a better health condition with the application of probiotics.

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How to Cite
Vera-Mejía RR, Vega-Cañizares E, Sánchez-Miranda L. Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum as a probiotic in weaning pigs. Rev. Salud Anim. [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 16 [cited 2024 Nov. 24];40(3). Available from: https://revistas.censa.edu.cu/index.php/RSA/article/view/978


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