Risk factors associated with the prevalence of foot pathologies in Siboney de Cuba cows

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Adela Labrada Velázquez
Ileana Miranda Cabrera
Armando Rosete Millar
Alexei González Díaz


In Cuba, there is little information on the foot pathologies affecting cattle, and these constitute a problem of animal welfare under production conditions. In the present study, 384 dairy Siboney de Cuba cows were examined, which represented 100 % of milking cows from six dairy farms in Artemisa province. The prevalence of lesions was calculated and the logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the risk factors associated with these pathologies. Fifty-six cows were detected with foot lesions (14.58 %), of which 53.57 % presented first degree of lameness. The most affected members were the hind legs (66.26 %) and, of these, the side hooves with the highest number of lesions. The main pathologies diagnosed were: pathological deformations of the hoofs, ulceration of the sole and white line disease. It is concluded that poor drainage and sleeves in poor condition were the main risk factors for the presentation of foot lesions in the cows studied.

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How to Cite
Labrada Velázquez A, Miranda Cabrera I, Rosete Millar A, González Díaz A. Risk factors associated with the prevalence of foot pathologies in Siboney de Cuba cows. Rev. Salud Anim. [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 8 [cited 2024 Nov. 22];42(3). Available from: https://revistas.censa.edu.cu/index.php/RSA/article/view/1114


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