Probiotic effect of efficient microorganisms (ME-AgroAmbiental) on bioproductive indicators in pre-fattening Yorkland pigs

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Mara Dunia Quintana Utra
Alian Hernández González
Abel Saraiba Macias


This research aimed to determine the effect of incorporating efficient microorganisms (ME-AgroAmbiental) to the diet of pre-fattening (Yorkshire x Landrace) pigs on bioproductive indicators. Two hundred and seventy animals with an average age of 33 days were used. They were divided into three groups of 45 animals each. Each group had two replicates.Group 1 was used as a negative control, whereas groups 2 and 3 were supplemented with ME-AgroAmbiental six times a day for seven weeks, at concentrations of 5 and 10 %, respectively. Epidemiological indicators such as morbidity, mortality and recovery rate were calculated for gastrointestinal disorders during this stage. Furthermore, weight gain was recorded on a weekly basis and an economic balance was made between the cost of efficient microorganisms and the market price of the pigs. No differences were detected with respect to epidemiological indicators among the groups. By supplementing at 10 %, an average final weight of 27.73±0.945 kg and an average daily gain of 418.83 g/day were recorded, 15 % more than in the other groups (with significant statistical differences). Additionally, a profit of 55424.04 Cuban pesos was obtained. It is concluded that the inclusion of 10 % ME-AgroAmbiental in the diet of pre-fattening Yorkshire pigs does not prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal disorders, but positively influences weight gaining indicators in a cost-effective manner.

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Quintana Utra MD, Hernández González A, Saraiba Macias A. Probiotic effect of efficient microorganisms (ME-AgroAmbiental) on bioproductive indicators in pre-fattening Yorkland pigs. Rev. Salud Anim. [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 1 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];43(3). Available from:


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