Guidelines for sample collection and submission and interpretation of parasitological diagnostic results in poultry

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Daisy Rodríguez García
Yenisey García Ferrer


This study was aimed at establishing the guidelines for the collection, preservation and submission of samples for  parasitological diagnosis in poultry, as well as for the correct interpretation of the results issued by the laboratory. Tropical countries have ideal climatic conditions for the development of parasites, their forms of dispersion and intermediate hosts throughout the year, thus parasite infestations are very frequent. Losses in meat and egg production have been reported
when there are high parasite infestations in poultry production. The basis of any control program is an accurate diagnosis, but
in turn, the latter depends on the correct collection and submission of samples. Likewise, the correct interpretation of the
laboratory results by the veterinary personnel of the farms is also needed, in such a way that they can implement effective
measures to control parasitosis. This situation becomes more serious when taking into account the accelerated increase of
antiparasitic resistance in the last years. Under these conditions, it is necessary to understand the importance of strategic
control of parasites and pests, which does not imply their eradication, but to maintain small populations that do not cause
perceptible damage to the health and productive behavior of animals, through the intelligent use of antiparasitic agents. These
results will lead us to obtain reliable diagnoses and provide elements that will allow the strategic use of the available antiparasitics agents.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez García D, García Ferrer Y. Guidelines for sample collection and submission and interpretation of parasitological diagnostic results in poultry. Rev. Salud Anim. [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 21 [cited 2024 Sep. 28];45: Available from:


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