Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis in dogs. A case report

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Edgar Humberto Murcia-Marroquín
Aracely Camacho-Castro
Hermes Daniel Salcedo-Sánchez
Angela Rocio Vaquiro-Rumique


The study was based on a mestizo canine of two and a half months old, weighing 3.5 kg, with loss of approximately 60% of skin at the thoracolumbar level and with the perianal area compromised. The dog had previously been treated for hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, with fluid therapy and intravenous antibiotics (IV), (Hartmann's solution, Metronidazole) plus Metoclopramide via subcutaneous (SC), during the first three days, showing an improvement. On the fourth day of treatment, blisters were formed on the skin at the dorsal level that later broke leaving a great solution of continuity. Prednisolone, Amoxicillin Trihydrate+Potassium Clavulanate (Uniclav®) were applied (doses not presented in the medical records submitted), without any improvement. The lesion progressed to affect the ventral area, reason why the owner decided to take the dog to another veterinary center. Based on the anamnesis and the recorded findings, the antibiotic treatment was established intramuscularly (IM): Penicillin Benzathine+Procaine (Sancillin®), dose of 1 mL per 10 kg of live weight mL (0.3 mL intramuscular every 72 hours); Prednisolone 5 mg, dose of 0.2 mg/kg (½ tablet orally twice a day for seven days), continuing with – tablet daily every other day for seven days, and ending with ½ tablet daily for other seven days; Multivitamin, Mirrapel®, dose of 1 mL per 4 kg of weight, administering 1 mL orally every 24 hours; Domeboro® powder, an envelope dissolved in ¼ liter of water, two daily baths, recovering the epithelium, until the final closure of the dorsal and ventral wound. The presumptive diagnosis was that of the Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, confirmed by histopathology.

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Murcia-Marroquín EH, Camacho-Castro A, Salcedo-Sánchez HD, Vaquiro-Rumique AR. Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis in dogs. A case report. Rev. Salud Anim. [Internet]. 2018 Sep. 19 [cited 2024 Nov. 22];40(2). Available from:


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