Mollicutes associated with mastitis in dairy cattle herds in Zamora-Chinchipe province, Ecuador
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World population growth demands availability of sufficient nutritious and healthy food. Bovine mastitis is a disease that still causes great economic losses, besides other risks to the health of herds and people in general, in spite of the technological advances and the deepening of the knowledge of crucial factors in its behavior, which depend on the hosts and pathogens involved and the environment where they interact.To further research Mollicutes association with mastitis disease in Zamora-Chinchipe province, 386 cows from 99 herds were tested. From them, 126 were positive to Mollicutes (32.6 %) by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), while 340 (88.1 %) were found to have subclinical mastitis by California Mastitis Test. Although Mycoplasma bovis was not detected, other pathogenic mycoplasmas could also be present affecting the recovery of the infected herds due to the recognized resistance of those microorganisms to the traditional antibiotic therapy, among other risks. The lack of association among the results of the diagnostic methods used showed that other pathogens were involved in mastitis etiology and revealed the need for further studies in order to adequately guide control strategies.
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