For the reception of manuscripts, the parties interested should send:
1) Letter of publishing approval of the institution responsible for the paper, including the title and complete mailing address of the main author, if they do not belong to the sponsor institution.
2) Electronic copy in Word 1 ½ SPACES with FONT SIZE 12, PAGINATED. Illustrations with sufficient quality to be assessed by the arbiters.
3) The manuscript must include the data related to the affiliation of each author:
- full name with both surnames
- department or group
- institution
- postal address
- email address (in the case of the corresponding author)
4) If you refer to work "in press", include Letter of Acceptance of that publication. Any article that does not meet these requirements will be rejected immediately.
The papers are reviewed by an Editorial Board according to the specific topic of the article. Arbitration is carried out “double blind” by specialists from different national and international institutions. The Editorial Board reserves the rights for selection and publication, and will decide the suitable modifications and adaptations. Authors, in all cases, will be informed about the decisions taken by the Board. When receiving the technical suggestions, authors have 30 days to make arrangements. After completing modifications by the authors, in electronic format a new version must be sent for final editing.
Articles will be accepted if:
- The article presents the results of a scientific research and has not been published or sent to other media (such as proceedings, journals, books).
- The article is accompanied by a letter of declaration of the authors (appearing in the journal website).
- The experimental designs, the analysis and statistical methods used in the study are described in sufficient detail.
- The article meets the writing standards established by Rev. Protección Vegetal, according to the typology, and the conclusions are based on the data presented in the article.
- Both the investigation and the article comply with the ethical standards established by Rev. Protección Veg.
The manuscripts, technically valid, will be published in Spanish and English, with a summary in both languages. Authors whose mother tongue is Spanish must submit the manuscript in that language; the journal will be responsible for its translation into the English language. The contributions are anonymously peer reviewed by specialists from various national and international institutions that guarantee the technical quality and content of the journal.
Papers are published at no cost for authors in Spanish or in English. The Journal reserves the rights doe selection and publication.
- ORCID register of each author participating in the publication
The ORCID of each author should be placed next to the full names and surnames of each one. If you do not have it yet, you can create it through the following address:
Example: Héctor Rodríguez Morell 1
- Conflict of Interest Statement
Mandatorily and at the end of the article, the authors must declare the presence or not of conflicts of interest related to the paper.
Example: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest
- Author´s Contribution Statement
The role of each author in the process of conceiving, executing or drafting the research should be indicated after the Conflict of Interest Statement.
Authors´ contribution: Author 1 (Name and surnames): He conceived the idea of the research. He carried out the taxonomic identification of mites. He managed data analysis and interpretation. He participated in the search for information related to the topic. He participated in the analysis, correction and writing of the final report. Author 2 (Name and surnames): He participated in collecting and preparing the specimens and in elaborating databases. He participated in the analysis of the results and in the final approval. Author 3 (Name and surnames): He participated in collecting and preparing the specimens and in elaborating databases. He participated in the analysis of the results and in the final approval. Author 4 (Name and surnames): He participated in the statistical analysis of the results, their interpretation and in writing the draft of the article. He also participated in the critical review of its content and in the final approval.
Revista Protección Veg., publishes articles in different formats:
Original article: represents a contribution to a specific topic. It includes introduction; materials and methods, written in sufficient detail to permit their appropriate evaluation; results and discussion; conclusions (as a separate or integrated section at the end of the article) and references (based on Vancouver standards).
Short communication: is a new and important finding to inform the scientific community of preliminary results. It is presented in an abbreviated format, without the usual sections of the original article, but containing elements of each section.
Technical note: is used to describe a process or technique without including much data, theories, or critical discussion.
Letter to the Editor: Format with two modalities, one suitable for the notifications of specific results and findings in a quickly way. It must be written in English and not exceed 1 sheet. In the findings, refer grosso modo their significance, date. Authors and respective affiliations at the end of the text. On the other hand, it is also a forum for a scientific debate, opinions on trends and points of view; in this case, it has no space limit and can be written in Spanish. In both cases, the section for references is not present; they most be cited in a footnote (author, year, title, name of the publication and pages). It is a format with few references.
Review article: Is a report that collects, analyzes, synthesizes and critically discusses the most important and recent research in a specific area, in which the author of the article has made contributions.