Tabaquina, an alternative for the management of Tarophagus colocasiae Matzumura (Auchenorhyncha: Delphacidae)

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Rosa Elena González Vázquez
María del Carmen Castellón Valdés
Horacio Grillo Ravelo


The objective of this study was to determine the technical effectiveness of tabaquina against Tarophagus colocasiae under laboratory and field conditions. In the first experiment, nymphs and adults from T. colocasiae reared in the laboratory were used. The field test was carried out in a plantation with a high percentage of insect infestation at INIVIT. It was used a tabaquina solution obtained from tobacco sticks, macerated in water during 24 hours. The dead insect numbers were evaluated at 24, 48, and 72 hours, and the percentage of technical effectiveness was determined using Abbot's formula. Under laboratory conditions, the percentage of technical effectiveness was higher than 95 % at 24 hours, both in nymphs and adults, without significant differences between the two stages of development. Under field conditions, the effectiveness percentage 24 hours after the product application exceeded 75 %, with significant differences with respect to the controls used. In both, laboratory and field conditions, the greatest number of dead insects was observed at 24 hours.

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How to Cite
González Vázquez, R. E., Castellón Valdés, M. del C., & Grillo Ravelo, H. (2020). Tabaquina, an alternative for the management of Tarophagus colocasiae Matzumura (Auchenorhyncha: Delphacidae). Revista De Protección Vegetal, 34(3). Retrieved from


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