Validation of Pochonia chlamydosporia (Goddard) Zare & Gams in the agronomic management of Musa paradisiaca L. vitroplants at the ex vitro adaptation phase

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Jersys Arévalo Ortega
Miguel A. Hernández Socorro
Rolisbel Alfonso de la Cruz
Nivian Montes de Oca Martínez
Leopoldo Hidalgo-Díaz


The objective of this study was to validate the application of P. chlamydosporia strain IMI SD 187 (a.i. of bionematicide KlamiC®) in the agronomic management strategy for plantain vitroplants (Musa paradisiaca L.) during the ex vitro adaptation phase. In a first assay, the in vitro compatibility of P. chlamydosporia, with the products FitoMas, Urea, Cuproflow, Bayfolan, and Dimethoate added to the culture medium, was evaluated, taking into account the fungal radial mycelial growth and sporulation. In a second assay, these products were combined with the strain IMI SD 187, during the acclimatization phase of vitroplants. P. chlamydosporia was applied at 5,6 x 105 clamidospore.vitroplant-1 by sprinkling the vitroplants at 3 and 20 days after transplanting, alone or in combination with agrochemicals and bioestimulant, on vitroplants of different size, cultivar ‘CEMSA – ¾’. The vitroplants were transplanted into polypropylene trays of 70 alveolus containing substrate: ferralitic red lixiviade soil and organic amendment (1:3 v/v); and they were distributed in the acclimatization area under randomize block design. The plant growth and fungal colonization on the substrate and roots were evaluated. Cuproflow was considered high toxic and the rest of the products evaluated were compatibles with the fungus. P. chlamydosporia colonized the vitroplants rhizosphere, and plant growth parameters were increased: plant length, pseudo- stem diameter and foliate and root fresh masses. The major growth stimulation was achieved on smaller size vitroplants.

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How to Cite
Arévalo Ortega, J., Hernández Socorro, M. A., Alfonso de la Cruz, R., Montes de Oca Martínez, N., & Hidalgo-Díaz, L. (2020). Validation of Pochonia chlamydosporia (Goddard) Zare & Gams in the agronomic management of Musa paradisiaca L. vitroplants at the ex vitro adaptation phase. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 35(2). Retrieved from


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