First record of Podogaster Brullé (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Anomaloninae) in mulberry crop in Cuba

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Leticia Duarte Martínez
Beatriz Caballero Fernández
Yordany Aldama Hernández
Margarita Ceballos Vázquez


The Ichneumonidae family is considered the most diverse within the order. However, despite of the existence of many endemic species, knowledge of their distribution and biodiversity is limited in Latin America. To identify if species from this group are associated to lepidoptera present in mulberry tree (Morus alba L.), during 2018-2019 period, prospections were carried out in plantations located in agricultural areas of northeastern Havana, Cuba. Larvae of Glyphodes sibillalis Walker (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) were collected and transferred to the Entomology Laboratory at National Center of Health for Plants and Animals (CENSA) to complete their lifespan and verify the parasitoid presence. The identification of the emerged specimens was carried out according to the morphological criteria defining this group. For this, the corresponding dichotomous keys and an NSZ-606 stereoscope with 10x resolution were used. The study allowed identifying the genus Podogaster Brullé, first reported in Cuba, as well as its association with G. sibillalis and mulberry tree.

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How to Cite
Duarte Martínez, L., Caballero Fernández, B., Aldama Hernández, Y., & Ceballos Vázquez, M. (2021). First record of Podogaster Brullé (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Anomaloninae) in mulberry crop in Cuba. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 35(3). Retrieved from


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