Density and stomatal index in Musa genotypes with differential response to Raoiella indica Hirst

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Héctor Rodríguez Morell
Delvy Alonso-Rodríguez
Maxyuris Ysidro-Hernández
Yanebis Pérez-Madruga


The objective of the present paper was to determine the stomatal index and stomatal density as possible resistance mechanisms involved in the interaction R.indica-Musa spp in the genotypes 'FHIA 18', 'FHIA 01', 'Cueto INIFAT', 'Pisang Ceilán', 'Dátil, 'Burro CEMSA', and ' Hawaiano '. The highest stomatal density was found in the ‘Pisang Ceilán’ genotype with 160.95 However, the highest stomatal index was reached by the ' Hawaiano ' genotype (12,74). In both cases, the differences with the other genotypes were significant. The results achieved in the study do not explain the differential response of the previously evaluated plantain and banana genotypes to natural infestations with R. indica. Based on the economic impact of R. indica in the country, the evaluation of the resistance of plantain and banana cultivars should be continued to develop sustainable strategies for the management of red mite populations.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez Morell, H., Alonso-Rodríguez, D., Ysidro-Hernández, M., & Pérez-Madruga, Y. (2021). Density and stomatal index in Musa genotypes with differential response to Raoiella indica Hirst. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 36(1). Retrieved from


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