Incidence of Alternaria spp. on cereal, vegetable, fruit and ornamental seeds

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Einar Martínez de la Parte
Jorge Abreu-Fundora
Taimy Cantillo-Pérez


The aim of this work was to determine the Alternaria species associated with seeds of cereals, vegetables, fruits and ornamentals. For this purpose, 2503 seed lots from 21 countries were examined. From each lot, 400 seeds were analyzed by blotter test method. Alternaria species were identified morphologically. For each specie, the occurrence frequency and infestation index by seed type were calculated. A total of 18 species of Alternaria, of the sections Alternaria, Brassicicola, Dianthicola, Gypsophilae, Infectoriae, Japonicae, Porri, Radicina, and Sonchi, were detected. The most frequently detected species was A. alternata. This species constituted 59% of all Alternaria spp., followed by A. brassicicola (10%), T. padwickii (7%), A. tenuisima (7%), A. brassicae (2%), and A. radicina (2%). The observed infestationindexes of A. alternata and A. tagetica endanger the phytosanitary quality of the seeds and the crop health.

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How to Cite
Martínez de la Parte, E., Abreu-Fundora, J., & Cantillo-Pérez, T. (2021). Incidence of Alternaria spp. on cereal, vegetable, fruit and ornamental seeds. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 36(1). Retrieved from



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