Diversity and functional groups of arthropods in (Capsicum annuum L.) in the open field and greenhouses

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Maria de los A. Martínez
Heyker L. Baños
Lázaro Cuellar
Marbelys del Toro
Adayakni Sánchez
Ileana Miranda
Leticia Duarte


The diversity of the arthropod fauna associated with the cultivation of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) was determined in the open field and in greenhouses in the suburban farm “Las Piedras” in Guanabacoa municipality, Havana. In systematic samplings carried out from December 2018 to February 2020, specimens were counted and identified according to the corresponding taxonomic keys. The abundance, relative frequency, diversity, and non-parametric indexes were calculated, and the species accumulation curves were constructed for the open field samplings after a randomization process. A total of 441 arthropods were collected. In the open field cultivation, 9 orders, 15 families and 17 species were identified, and four orders, with the same number of families and species in the greenhouses. Hemiptera was the most diverse and abundant order. Epitrix sp., Empoasca sp., are new reports for the crop. The species B. tabaci classified as very abundant both in the open field and in the greenhouses. The Shannon-Wiever (H '= 2.09) and Margalef (MDg = 2.72) diversity in the open field was higher than that found in the greenhouses, where a high dominance predominated. The phytophagous arthropods were the most diverse functional group. Of the models evaluated, the Exponential model offered the best estimate of the real number of accumulated species fitting the species accumulation curves. This knowledge allow us to verify whether changes in diversity have occurred after the implementation of habitat manipulation measures.

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How to Cite
Martínez, M. de los A., Baños, H. L., Cuellar, L., del Toro, M., Sánchez, A., Miranda, I., & Duarte, L. (2021). Diversity and functional groups of arthropods in (Capsicum annuum L.) in the open field and greenhouses. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 36(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.censa.edu.cu/index.php/RPV/article/view/1125


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