Bordeaux mixture, plant-based oils and extracts evaluation on strawberry common leaf spot and fruit production

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Fernando Teruhiko Hata
Maria Tereza Paula
Michelle Farias de Oliveira
Maurício Ursi Ventura
Maria Isabel Balbi-Peña
Luís Eduardo Bocalete
Luiz Vitor Barbosa de Oliveira


Plant extracts and oils were assessed for strawberry leaf spot control in organic strawberry in the open field. For first cycle, treatments were extracts of rosemary (10 %) (Rosmarinus officinalis L.), garlic (Allium sativum L.) (0.01 %), rue (Ruta graveolens L.) (10 %), turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) (1 %), Bordeaux mixture (1 %), cotton (1.5 %) and canola oils (1 %), and water (control). For second cycle, Rosemary (20 %), rue (20 %), turmeric (2 %), canola oil (2 %), and water were used as treatments. A completely randomized block design with five replications was used. An analysis of variance was performed on the severity data, AUDPC and fruit production means were compared by the Scott-Knott and Tukey tests at 5% probability for first and second cycles, respectively. Canola oil (1 and 2 %) reduced disease symptoms in both cycles. Rosemary and rue extracts reduced just when disease severity was low. Cotton and canola oils and rosemary, rue and turmeric extracts increased strawberry fruit production.

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How to Cite
Teruhiko Hata, F., Paula, M. T., Farias de Oliveira, M., Ursi Ventura, M., Balbi-Peña, M. I., Bocalete, L. E., & Barbosa de Oliveira, L. V. (2021). Bordeaux mixture, plant-based oils and extracts evaluation on strawberry common leaf spot and fruit production. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 36(3). Retrieved from


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