Aggressiveness of isolates of Phytophthora nicotianae Breda Haan adapted to partial resistance of the Cuban tobacco cultivar 'Criollo 2010'

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Verónica Toledo Sampedro
Angélica de la C. González Toledo
Rosmery Labrada Corós


The objective of this work was to evaluate the aggressiveness of P. nicotianae isolates adapted to the partial-resistance genes of the tobacco cultivar 'Criollo 2010'. The isolates 931, 134, and P-1 of moderate aggressiveness and the isolate Lp of low aggressiveness were selected. Except P-1, all isolates were inoculated 15 days after seedling transplantation and reisolated from diseased plants to obtain the next generation of isolates. The procedure was carried out in a greenhouse for eight generations, to then compare the aggressiveness among eight generations of each of the isolates in the cultivar 'Criollo 2010'. Under laboratory conditions, the isolates obtained from the eighth generation (931-8 and 134-8) and their respective isolates from the first generation (931-1 and 134-1) were characterized in terms of: incubation period, severity index, and length of the stem lesion on 'Criollo 2010' plants. Isolate aggressiveness was shown to increase significantly during the adaptation process if compared with that of not adapted isolates of P. nicotianae. Isolates 931-8 and 134-8 obtained in the eighth generation showed the highest attack intensity values in the cultivar 'Criollo 2010'. Under laboratory conditions, isolates 931-8 and 134-8 were the most aggressive when compared with their first generation isolates. The adapted isolates were characterized by exhibiting a shorter incubation period, an increase in severity, and a greater extent of necrosis in plant stems.

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How to Cite
Toledo Sampedro, V. ., González Toledo, A. de la C. ., & Labrada Corós, R. . (2022). Aggressiveness of isolates of Phytophthora nicotianae Breda Haan adapted to partial resistance of the Cuban tobacco cultivar ’Criollo 2010’. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 37(1), Retrieved from


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