Selection of traps to capture Cosmopolites sordidus Germar and Metamasius hemipterus L. interspecific competition

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Dairys García Perera
Isabela Batista García
Ileana Miranda Cabrera
Lester Pupiro
Roberto Enrique Regalado
Heyker L. Baños


The objectives of this study was to define the potentialities of pseudostem traps to monitor Cosmopolites sordidus Germar and Metamasius hemipterus L. on Musa spp. and determine the existence or not of interspecific competition between both species of weevils. The insects were collected in fields of ‘FHIA 25’ and 'Yangambi Km 5' with two types of traps, the wedge (TTC) and the modified disk (TDM), for a total of 10 traps per field (5 of each). At 14, 21, and 28 days, the weevils per trap were counted and removed for later identification, repeating this procedure after the renewal of the traps. The population densities in each type of trap, variety, and time of evaluation were compared by a bifactorial analysis of variance, the means were contrasted using Duncan's test for p <0.05, the Lotka-Volterra model was used. Adults of both species (C. sordidus and M. hemipterus) were captured in the two cultivars, with C. sordidus with the largest population. TDM captured more weevils in the cultivar ‘FHIA 25’; however, in the field of ‘Yangambi Km 5’, both types of traps showed similar effectiveness. Inter-specific competition occurred in the cultivar ‘FHIA 25’, with a displacement of one of the species by the other one, being observed a decrease in the number of individuals of C. sordidus and an increase in the population of M. hemipterus. However, in the variety ‘Yangambi Km 5’, both species of weevils coexisted. The traps of the TDM-type are proposed in plantain/banana cultivars to obtain higher captures.

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How to Cite
García Perera, D. ., Batista García, I. ., Miranda Cabrera, I. ., Pupiro, L. ., Enrique Regalado, R. ., & Baños, H. L. . (2022). Selection of traps to capture Cosmopolites sordidus Germar and Metamasius hemipterus L. interspecific competition. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 37(1), Retrieved from


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