Modeling insect population fluctuation in an agro-ecosystem

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Javier González Torres
Ana Ibis Elizondo Silva
Ileana Miranda Cabrera


In order to estimate the insect population density in an agroecosystem, a theoretical deterministic mathematical model was developed, according to the biological cycle of the phytophagous, in relation to its natural enemies. To estimate the population fluctuation in the field, a prey-predator model with interspecific competition was proposed, and the biological significance of the parameters of both models was studied. For validating the competition model, data from periodic samplings of thrips in an area of ​​7.71 ha of the "Maravilla" farm belonging to the Various Crops Company (E.C.V.) of Artemisa, Cuba, were used. In the simulation of the differential equations system that generated the model, the generic iterative Runge-Kutta method of order 4 was used. The prey-predator model with predator competition presented better goodness of fit according to the determination coefficient (0.93), mean square error (1.03) and significant Durbin-Watson test (p<0.05). A population peak is reached between 40 and 60 days after sowing and an unstable balance with approximately three predators for every 15 plants and a population of thrips lower than four individuals. The proposed models can be validated in estimating the density of other insect populations.

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How to Cite
González Torres, J. ., Elizondo Silva, A. I. ., & Miranda Cabrera, I. . (2022). Modeling insect population fluctuation in an agro-ecosystem. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 37(2), Retrieved from


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