Relation between bioclimatic variables and management practices with captures of Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart) (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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Ángela María Arcila Cardona
Juan Camilo Gómez-Correa
Carlos Esteban Brochero Bustamante
Carlos Alberto Abaunza González
Edgar Herney Varón Devia


The present study was carried out at the Caribbean coast of the state of Magdalena, where the main cultivar is a variety called “sugar mango”. The research compared the captures of Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart) adults between groups of farms defined by management practices, altitude, and bioclimatic variables. Management practices of 44 farms were documented through a survey and their geographic coordinates were used to extract 19 bioclimatic variables from the WorldClim database. The bioclimatic variables plus the altitude of the farms were analyzed using a K-Means clustering method. As a result, 23 mango farms were selected and sampled, determining the Fly/Trap/Day index through two samplings with McPhail traps. The farms were grouped according to their management practices using multiple correspondence analysis and hierarchical clustering into principal components. The Fly/Trap/Day index mean values were compared between groups of farms using the Kruskal-Wallis test, and correlations between the Fly/Trap/Day index, altitude, and bioclimatic variables were calculated. Groups of farms located in drier areas (505-749 mm. year-1) showed lower fruit ripening stage Fly/Trap/Day index values than groups located in more humid areas (788-1,621 mm. year-1). Therefore, under the production conditions analyzed, the grouping of the farms based on bioclimatic variables and management practices allowed us to identify differences in A. obliqua captures. The results obtained contribute to the delimitation of potential low prevalence areas and the design of pest management strategies.

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Arcila Cardona, Ángela M. ., Gómez-Correa, J. C. ., Brochero Bustamante, C. E. ., Abaunza González, C. A. ., & Varón Devia, E. H. . (2022). Relation between bioclimatic variables and management practices with captures of Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Revista De Protección Vegetal, 37(2), Retrieved from


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