Influence of the age of the plants and season of the year on of severity Puccinia kuehnii (Krüger) Butler

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Javier Delgado Padrón
Arelis Rodríguez Martínez
Lázaro Pardo Mora


The objective of the work was to determine the influence of the age of the plants and the season of the year on the severity of Puccinia kuehnii (Krüger) Butler. Two experiments, with 44 and 41 sugarcane cultivars each, were planted in provocative foci of infection in the experimental block of the Mayabeque-Artemisa Sugarcane Territorial Research Station. Evaluations were performed monthly from two to nine months. These were carried out in a sampling station of two cm2, evaluating leaves +3 and +5 of 10 random plants. The percentage of pustules per square centimeter on each leaf was calculated, the affected leaf area and the severity of the disease were estimated. A simple classification analysis of variance and Tukey's mean comparison test were performed to compare the mean percentages of disease severity in the infected cultivars with the age of the plants and the months of the year (p≤0.05). In addition, the trend in them was determined by means of linear regression equations for the age of the plants and quadratic for the months of the year. There were highly significant differences between the average severity of orange rust in infected cultivars with the age of the plants and the months of the year. The infection increased with the age of the plants in the evaluated period and it was more accentuated in the winter months (December to April), with a marked decrease from June to October.

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How to Cite
Delgado Padrón, J. ., Rodríguez Martínez, A. ., & Pardo Mora, L. . (2022). Influence of the age of the plants and season of the year on of severity Puccinia kuehnii (Krüger) Butler. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 37(3), Retrieved from


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