Amnestus basidentatus Froesch. (Cydnidae; Amnestinae): a rare burrowing bug for Cuba

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Luvys Jenny Rodriguez Alonso
Leonel Marrero Artabe
Claudia Vela Lantigua


Periodic sampling and nocturnal collections by light traps were carried out in localities of Matanzas and Ciego de Avila provinces, Cuba, between January 2021 and February 2022, to detect the presence of burrowing bugs. Very small bugs with brownish body color were observed. The morphology of the adults under a stereoscopic microscope was described. External genitalia of both sexes were dissected; parameres and spermatheca were carefully removed, immersed in 10 % KOH solution for clarification and mounted on slides. Digital photographs were taken at 40x magnification with a Nikon camera coupled to an Olympus N-800 photomicroscope. Morphometric descriptions of the species and internationally available taxonomic keys for the genus were used for identification. A detailed description of male and female genitalia of Amnestus basidentatus Froesch is offered for the first time. Photographs of paramere and spermatheca, which allowed a precise taxonomic diagnosis of the species in the country, are provided.

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How to Cite
Rodriguez Alonso, L. J., Marrero Artabe, L. ., & Vela Lantigua, C. . (2022). Amnestus basidentatus Froesch. (Cydnidae; Amnestinae): a rare burrowing bug for Cuba. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 37(3), Retrieved from


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