Container modification for the incubation stage of Galleria mellonella l. For the in vivo reproduction of entomopathogenic nematodes

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Roberto Enrique Regalado
Lidia López Perdomo
Mayra G. Rodríguez


The objective of this study was to evaluate the modification of the lids of the transparent polyethylene containers produced for diverse uses in Cuba (so called “tarrinas”) to use them in the incubation stage of Galleria melonella L. larvae in the in vivo reproduction of entomopathogenic nematodes in the Nematology Laboratory at the National Center for Plant and Animal Health (CENSA). For this, a central 7 mm hole was opened on the lids and covered an anti-aphid plastic net with 300 µm opening, using a glue. Indicators such as: color of the dead body of G. mellonella at 72 hours, presence of contaminating insects, and yield of infective juveniles (IJ).larvae of G. mellonella-1 were determine. The dead bodies of G. mellonella showed a brown red color characteristically produced by the strain HC1 of Heterorhabditis amazonensis Andaló et al. when the symbiotic bacterium is in phenotypic phase I. No contaminations by others insects were observed, and the yields were between 250 to 300 000 IJ.larvae of G. mellonella -1. The containers modified are being used in the production of IJ at CENSA. This modification, due to its simplicity, can be extended in the system of the Centers for the Reproduction of Entomophagous and Entomopathogens (CREE) in our country.

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How to Cite
Enrique Regalado, R. ., López Perdomo, L. ., & G. Rodríguez, M. . (2022). Container modification for the incubation stage of Galleria mellonella l. For the in vivo reproduction of entomopathogenic nematodes. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 37(3), Retrieved from


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