Substrates with biochar and compost improve the development and health of Solanum lycopersicum L. seedlings in multi-cell trays

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Julio César Hernández Salgado
Olga Nely O´Reilly Cobas
Alejandro Hernández O´Reilly
Oscar Jesús Acosta Valdivia


This research was carried out in the “La Magela” seedling house module, Quivicán municipality, Mayabeque Province, Cuba, in October and November 2022. The ´Elbita´ tomato variety was planted in polystyrene trays of 260 cells, which were previously disinfected with sodium hypochlorite (1%). A completely randomized experimental design with three replicates (trays) and twelve treatments was used. The treatments resulted from combining the substrates (natural rice husk, solarized compost and residual substrate from previous trays) and the pyrolysis moment (mixing the materials before pyrolysis, or pyrolysis of the rice husk. rice alone and then mix it with compost or residual substrate). Four controls (100% carbonized rice husk, blonde peat, solarized compost and residual substrate) were included. Pyrolysis was carried out in a traditional burner (80 cm in diameter, 60 cm in height) with holes and a chimney. Germination percentage (7 days) and height, stem diameter, number of leaves, root volume and integrity of the root ball (after 35 days) were determined. The plants diseased by “damping off” throughout the period were counted. The Infostat statistical program (free version) was used to perform analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the response variables of the experiment. The Tukey test was used in case of statistical significance. A simple correlation analysis was performed to determine the relationship between the variables root volume and root ball integrity. The variant of mixing 75% rice husk with 25% compost and then carbonizing them together showed the best results in height, stem diameter, and number of leaves of the plants, with less impact by “damping off”.

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How to Cite
Hernández Salgado, J. C. ., O´Reilly Cobas, O. N. ., Hernández O´Reilly, A. ., & Acosta Valdivia, O. J. . (2023). Substrates with biochar and compost improve the development and health of Solanum lycopersicum L. seedlings in multi-cell trays. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 38, Retrieved from


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