Cucumis dipsaceus Ehrenb. ex Spach. new host of Meloidogyne sp. in Cuba

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Vániert Ventura-Chávez
José E González Ramírez
Daine Hernández-Ochandía
Mayra G Rodríguez Hernández


The objective of this research was to determine the presence of Meloidogyne species on Cucumis dipsaceus Ehrenb. ex Spach. growing as weed in a yam (Dioscorea sp.) field. Samples of C. dipsaceus plants with root galling were taken from yam areas of the National Institute of Tropical Roots and Tubers (INIVIT), Santo Domingo, Villa Clara province, located at coordinates (22.35º N; 80.13º W), Cuba. At the nematology laboratory of the institute, the perineal patterns of twenty-five adult females were obtained under a stereoscope. Keys and descriptions of Meloidogyne species were used for their morphological diagnosis. The roots of C. dipsaceus showed numerous galls of different sizes, and, inside the galls, adult females with egg masses were observed, indicating nematode reproduction on the plant. The characteristics of the perineal patterns extracted from the females suggested the presence of Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White) Chitwwood. This is the first report of C. dipsaceus as a Meloidogyne sp. host in Cuba.

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How to Cite
Ventura-Chávez, V. ., González Ramírez, J. E. ., Hernández-Ochandía, D. ., & Rodríguez Hernández, M. G. . (2023). Cucumis dipsaceus Ehrenb. ex Spach. new host of Meloidogyne sp. in Cuba. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 38, Retrieved from


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