Insects associated with cowpea in agroecosystems of Pinar del Río, Cuba

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Yoerlandy Santana-Baños
Sergio Carrodeguas-Díaz
Frank Leidis Rodríguez-Espinosa
Román Alejandro Pupo-Pérez
Maykel Díaz-Barrio
Armando del Busto-Concepción


This study aimed to determine the species of insects associated with cowpea (Vigna unguculata (L.) Walp.) in agroecosystems of Pinar del Río, Cuba. Samplings were carried out during the vegetative and reproductive phases of the cultivars 'INIFAT 93' and 'INIFAT 94'. The frequency of appearance in the two cultivars was determined, as well as their relationship by means of linear regression. The classification criteria of Mason and Bryant were also followed. There were 21 insect species, including phytophagous (61.9%) and beneficial (38.1%), grouped into 14 families and five orders, with the highest representation of Coleoptera and Hemiptera. The families with the highest species richness were Chrysomelidae and Coccinelidae., Of the identified species, 71.4% were observed on the two cowpea bean cultivars. A frequency of occurrence greater than 50% was shown by Empoasca kraemeri Ross & Moore, Liriomyza trifolii Burgess in Comstock, Epitrix cucumeris (Harris), Aphis craccivora Koch, Coleomegilla cubensis (Casey), Condylostylus sp., and Diglyphus sp.

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Santana-Baños, Y. ., Carrodeguas-Díaz, S. ., Rodríguez-Espinosa, F. L. ., Pupo-Pérez, R. A. ., Díaz-Barrio, M. ., & del Busto-Concepción, A. . (2023). Insects associated with cowpea in agroecosystems of Pinar del Río, Cuba. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 38, Retrieved from


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