In vitro interaction among Cuban strains of four species of entomopathogenic fungi

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Rolisbel Alfonso de la Cruz
Danay Ynfante Mantínez
Jersys Arévalo Ortega
Benedicto Martínez Coca


The objective of the present work was to evaluate the in vitro vegetative compatibility among Cuban strains of the entomopathogenic fungi Lecanicillium lecanii (Zim.) Zare and Gams, Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuilleming, Isaria fumosorosea (Wise) Brown and Smith, and Metarhizium anisopliae (Mestch) Sorokin, previously selected as biological control agents for harmful insects. Compatibility was evaluated by the Dual Culture method and the percentage of inhibition of radial growth (PIRG) was determined. The type of interaction of microorganisms was classified according to the scale recommended by the literature. In the confrontation tests carried out, no projection of the hyphae of any of the species onto the other species was observed, suggesting an indirect growth inhibition through the excretion of metabolites. In the first seven days, distant mutual inhibition was observed between I. fumosorosea and the rest of the fungi evaluated and the interaction was classified as type C; the PIRG varied between 15.9 - 36.6 %. The growth of B. bassiana also showed inhibition against L. lecanii and M. anisopliae with PIRGof 10.99% and 17.6%, respectively, and the interaction was classified as type E. In the rest of the interactions, no inhibitions were observed. All fungi were compatible so that they can be applied combined with each other in insect pest management.

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Alfonso de la Cruz, R. ., Ynfante Mantínez, D. ., Arévalo Ortega, J. ., & Martínez Coca, B. . (2023). In vitro interaction among Cuban strains of four species of entomopathogenic fungi. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 38, Retrieved from


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