Management of Megalurothrips usitatus Bagnal in three Phaseolus vulgaris L. cultivars in Mayabeque province, Cuba

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Lizandra Guerra Arzuaga
Lázaro Cuellar Yánez
Ileana Miranda Cabrera
Heyker L. Baños Díaz
Alexis Lamz Piedra
Roberto Enrique Enrique Regalado
Moraima Suris Campos



The objective of the present work was to describe the behavior of Megalurothrips usitatus Bagnal populations after the application of BionemC (Heterorhabditis amazonensis Andaló et al. strain HC1) and e-codaoleoK in three common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars treated with biostimulants and biofertilizers with proven effectiveness in the crop. The experimental work was carried out on the “El Violento 1” farm, in San José de las Lajas municipality, Mayabeque province. Weekly samples were taken from the upper and middle strata of 30 plants of the cultivars 'Triunfo 70', 'Cul 156', and 'Coral 10’ . In each plant, the number of adults was recorded and samples of leaves and flowers were taken for identification at the Entomology - Acarology Laboratory of the National Center for Animal and Plant Health (CENSA). Of the adult samples analyzed in the laboratory, 83 5% belonged to the species M. usitatus. The cultivar 'Cul 156' showed the highest population density with 8,25 individuals per plant. The application of bioproducts, the tactics used at planting, and the times when both e-codaoleoK and the entomopathogenic nematodes were introduced facilitated achieving satisfactory yields. The best yields were obtained by the cultivar 'Triunfo 70', its shorter cycle allowed it to escape the pest damages.

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How to Cite
Guerra Arzuaga, L. ., Cuellar Yánez, L., Miranda Cabrera, I. ., Baños Díaz, H. L., Lamz Piedra, A. ., Enrique Regalado, R. E., & Suris Campos, M. (2024). Management of Megalurothrips usitatus Bagnal in three Phaseolus vulgaris L. cultivars in Mayabeque province, Cuba. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 39, Retrieved from


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