Meta-analysis of management tactics for trips that affect potato cultivation

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Lizandra Guerra Arzuaga
Ileana Miranda Cabrera
Moraima Suris Campos


The objective of this work was to identify the most effective management tactics in the control of thrips that affect potato cultivation in Cuba. For this, a systematic review and a meta-analysis, as a statistical technique, were done. The Google Scholar, Redalcyc, and Scielo databases were used. Articles published between 2010 and 2022 were included. In the meta-analysis, 16 articles were selected, which met the following inclusion criteria: I) the evaluated thrips are included among those that affect potato cultivation, II) management is directly addressed to thrips, III) the treatments of some product or management technique are compared, IV) the experiments were carried out in the open field or in semi-controlled areas, and V) the statistics corresponding to the initial populations and to those after the application of the treatments are offered. A database was created with a total of 62 treatments. The effect size and its 95 % confidence interval were calculated and the Forest-plot graph was made. All the described treatments decreased the populations of thysanoptera. In the studies analyzed, the treatment with the greatest effect, turned out to be the combination of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Bals.-Criv.) Vuill with the resistance inducer Potassium silicate. Other tactics, such as use of entomopathogenic nematodes, were also effective treatments for management of thrips affecting potato crops with an effectiveness of around 50 %.

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How to Cite
Guerra Arzuaga, L., Miranda Cabrera, I. ., & Suris Campos, M. . (2024). Meta-analysis of management tactics for trips that affect potato cultivation. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 39, Retrieved from


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