Agroecological transition in Musa x paradisiaca L. 'Giant Dwarf' variety in Tecomán, Colima, México

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Edgar Oswaldo Andrade García
José Manuel Palma García
Rocío Cuellar Olalde


The objective of this work was to compare an agroecological transition system with the conventional type regarding growth, yield and cultivation profitability of banana (Musa x paradisiaca L.) 'Giant Dwarf' variety. The work was carried out on a farm in the Cofradía de Hidalgo ejido, municipality of Tecomán, Colima. The agroecological transition treatment was based on application of earthworm (e/15 days) leachate; the fungi (e/25 days) Trichoderma harzianum Rifai, Baeuveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill, and Paecilomyces lilacinus (Thom) Samson; and 75 kg/ha of the physical mixture Yara (14 N-03 P-30 K-3 S-2 Mg- 0.18 Zn -0.12 B) + 35 Ca every 30 days. The conventional system was 250 kg/ha of the same fertilizer mixture at intervals of 30 days plus the use of agrochemicals for pest control, according to the producer's management during a cycle. Plant height, leaves, pseudostem diameter, cluster weight, rachis weight, hands, third hand fingers, fruit length, fruit diameter, yield and the benefit/cost ratio were evaluated. An ANOVA was used for repeated measures over time with 10 repetitions per treatment. The agroecological transition system presented the best phenological results and generated a better b/c ratio of 3.46 than the 1.53 ratio of the conventional system. This agroecological system reduced conventional fertilization by 70 % in addition to avoiding the use of agrochemicals in pest control, with better pheno

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How to Cite
Andrade García, E. O. ., Palma García, J. M. ., & Cuellar Olalde, R. . (2024). Agroecological transition in Musa x paradisiaca L. ’Giant Dwarf’ variety in Tecomán, Colima, México. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 39, Retrieved from


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