Insect vectors of phytopathogens that affect potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivation in Cuba. Elements for their identification and management. A review

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Moraima Suris Campos


Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) occupies the first place among roots and tubers planted in Cuba, with yields that have decreased in the last decade. One of the great limitations in potato production are diseases, which affect plants and tubers. The aphids Myzus persicae Sulc and Aphis gossypii Glover are the main species that directly affect the crop in addition to acting as vectors of viral diseases casing the greatest losses to the crop. On the other hand, the manifestations of climate change and trade favor the introduction of new pests such as Bactericera cockerelii Sulc, a potential pest of great importance for the crop. Based on these elements, the objective of this study was to carry out a bibliographic review that made it possible to make available elements that increased knowledge about the identification of vectors and the diseases of probable occurrence in potato to researchers, decision-makers, and technicians. This review will provide them with aspects for the identification, distribution, hosts, damage, and biology of these insects, as well as management methods for their surveillance. From various databases, 41 papers published in journals between 1987 and 2023 were selected. . They will contribute to preserving one of the crops that, due to its productive efficiency and consumption, allows guaranteeing food security of the country.

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How to Cite
Suris Campos, M. . (2024). Insect vectors of phytopathogens that affect potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivation in Cuba. Elements for their identification and management. A review. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 38, Retrieved from


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