Methods for extraction of nematodes present in soils of the Ferralitic group in Cuba

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Dainé Hernández-Ochandia
Mayra G. Roqdríguez Hernández
Ileana Miranda Cabrera
Ricardo Holgado


The objective of this work was to determine efficient extraction methods to study the soil nematode communitiy  present in ferralitic soils. Soil samples were taken following a stratified random design from one-hectare areas chosen in Guines and San Jose de las Lajas (Mayabeque Province, Cuba) The samples were placed in polyethylene bags and taken to the Plant Nematology Lab. of the National Center for Plant and Animal Health (CENSA). The extraction methods examined were the Baermann Funnel technique, the modified Whitehead  traywith gauze and milk filter, the two bottle method, and the centrifugation-floatation technique. The quantities of soil processed were 5, 25, 50, 100, 150, 250, and 350 g. The data were analyzed by Principal Component Analysis. The highest quantities of nematodes were obtained by the Whitehead tray technique with both filters and 100g of soil and the centrifugation-floatation technique with 350g of soil.

Key words: Whitehead trays, centrifugation-floatation technique,  nematode diversity.

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How to Cite
Hernández-Ochandia, D., Roqdríguez Hernández, M. G., Miranda Cabrera, I., & Holgado, R. (2018). Methods for extraction of nematodes present in soils of the Ferralitic group in Cuba. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 31(3), 228–232. Retrieved from

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