Insecticidal activity of six plant extracts on Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae)

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Oileth Montero-Contreras
Pedro A. Morales Valles
Oriela Pino-Pérez
Mario Cermeli-Lollini
Eutimio González-González
Ligia Carolina Rosales Amado


The insecticidal activity of ethanolic extracts of six plants: Azadirachta indica A.Juss., Cymbopogon citratus Stapf., Lantana camaraL., Lippia alba (Mill) N.E.Br., Citrus paradisi Macfad., and Citrus grandis L. were tested in the laboratory for the control of Aphis gossypii Glover. The extracts were obtained by maceration with 96 % ethanol of pulverized dried leaves of each plant species and concentrated by rotoevaporation. Concentration of 1000, 750, 500 and 250 ppm of each plant extract were arranged in a factorial design with seven treatments (six extracts and a control) replicated four times. Well developed cotton leaves were dipped into each concentration and placed in Petri dishes. Thirty adult aphis per leaf were used for each treatment. Mortality was evaluated visually at 24, 48 and 72 hours.  Mortality was 100 % for Cymbopogon, 98.1 % for Azadirachta, 98 % for Lippia, 97 % for Lantana, 95.5 % for Citrus paradise, and 94.6 for Citrus grandis.  All the extracts at each of the concentrations applied showed high insecticide activity on Aphis gossypii at the times evaluated, suggesting their potential as alternatives for management of this pest.

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How to Cite
Montero-Contreras, O., Morales Valles, P. A., Pino-Pérez, O., Cermeli-Lollini, M., González-González, E., & Rosales Amado, L. C. (2018). Insecticidal activity of six plant extracts on Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Revista De Protección Vegetal, 32(3). Retrieved from


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