Diversity of predatory mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) in Jaruco municipality, Mayabeque, Cuba

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Héctor Rodríguez Morell
Yadelin Hernández Acosta
Leonardo Hernández Cárdenas
Ileana Miranda Cabrera


Predatory mites of the family Phytoseiidae are important in agroecosystems, given their significant role in the regulation of pest mites and small insects. The present work aimed at to determining the diversity of phytoseid predatory mites in Jaruco municipality. For this purpose, an inventory of predatory mites was carried out in selected agroecosystems of the municipality, the mites present were quantified and their taxonomic identification was performed. With the information obtained, species richness, relative abundance, and frequency, as well as derived ecological indices, were calculated. As a result of the inventory, five families of predatory mites were detected. The family Phytoseiidae represented 69.23 % of the detected species and 93.40 % of the inventoried individuals. The 13 species of predatory mites detected were considered new reports for the locality. The species A. largoensis was abundant and frequent, while the remaining species were infrequent and not abundant, except I. quadripilis that was abundant and Tetranychus sp. that was frequent. The ecological indices calculated demonstrated that the locality presented a high diversity. This was demonstrated by the 21 species of mites found, as well as by the values of the Margalef (MDg= 3.76) and Shannon-Wiever (H´= 2.40) indices. Among the predatory mite species found, A. largoensis, A. aerialis, I. quadripilis, N. longispinosus T. subtropical, and E. hibisci stood out with the greatest potential as biological control agents for phytophagous mites. This knowledge will make possible to establish the most favorable agroecosystem management practices for the conservation of these important natural enemies.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez Morell, H., Hernández Acosta, Y., Hernández Cárdenas, L., & Miranda Cabrera, I. (2021). Diversity of predatory mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) in Jaruco municipality, Mayabeque, Cuba. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 35(3). Retrieved from https://revistas.censa.edu.cu/index.php/RPV/article/view/1102


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