Potentialities of Lonchocarpus nicou root powder for management of Neoconocephalus sp.

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Leonel Marrero Artabe
Wiliam Caicedo Cajilima


The objective of this research was to evaluate the potential of Lonchocarpus nicou Aublet root powder for management of Neoconocephalus sp (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Fresh roots of L. nicou collected from Ecuatorian Amazonia were processed. Under laboratory conditions, the lethal toxicity of the root powder on adults was evaluated. A random design with five repetitions was used to evaluate the dosage of 6, 25 g. l-1; a negative control was included and the results were processed by a comparison of proportions. The L. nicou root powder showed a lethal toxic effect on adults of Neoconocephalus sp. Inanition, uncoordinated movement, paralysis and 70 % of insect mortality was observed after 6 hours. Population death of 100 % after 24 hours with statistically significant differences compared with the control was found. Based on the high toxicity on adults, the root extract of L. nicou shows potential to be developed as pesticides intended for management of Neoconocephalus sp.

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How to Cite
Marrero Artabe, L. ., & Caicedo Cajilima, W. . (2023). Potentialities of Lonchocarpus nicou root powder for management of Neoconocephalus sp. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 38, https://cu-id.com/2247/v38e06. Retrieved from https://revistas.censa.edu.cu/index.php/RPV/article/view/1285


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