Diversity of the entomofauna associated with mulberry (Morus alba L.) cultivation in Cuba

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Leticia Duarte Martínez
Yordany Aldama Hernández
Beatriz Caballero Fernández
Marbelys del Toro Benítez
Margarita Ceballos Vázquez
Ileana Miranda Cabrera
Lázaro Cuellar Yanes
Reynaldo Chico Morejón
María A. Martínez Rivero


Mulberry (Morus alba L.) is a multipurpose plant with potentialities that have been exploited in the pharmaceutical, textile, and agricultural branches. In order to determine the diversity of the entomofauna associated with this crop, an inventory was carried out for the first time in areas of the "Los Mangos" farm in the municipality of Playa, Havana. From February 2018 to February 2019, 12 samplings were carried out. A total of 75 plants were taken per sampling, which started 30 days after the crop had been cut up to 90 days. . The sampled plants were examined from the base to the apex, and the collected specimens were mounted and identified following the corresponding taxonomic keys. With the data obtained, species accumulation curves were constructed, tritrophic relationships were established, as well as abundance, relative frequency, and diversity indices were calculated. A total of six insect orders, 16 families, five genera, and eight species were identified. The best represented order was Coleoptera. Bemisia tabaci, Diabrotica balteata, Empoasca sp, and Pachnaeus litus are new hosts in the crop. The exponential model provided the best estimate of the real number of accumulated families. Five tritrophic relationships were established. The most frequent families were Pseudococcidae, Cicadellidae, Pyralidae, and Actiidae, with phytophagous species, and Coccinellidae and Crysopidae, with natural enemy species . The most abundant family was Pseudococcidae. The indices showed the locality had low diversity with predominance of high dominance. These results facilitate the establishment of practices for the conservation and increase of natural enemies of harmful organisms present in the crop.

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Duarte Martínez, L. ., Aldama Hernández, Y. ., Caballero Fernández, B. ., del Toro Benítez, M. ., Ceballos Vázquez, M. ., Miranda Cabrera, I. ., Cuellar Yanes, L. ., Chico Morejón, R. ., & Martínez Rivero, M. A. . (2024). Diversity of the entomofauna associated with mulberry (Morus alba L.) cultivation in Cuba. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 38, https://cu-id.com/2247/v38e20. Retrieved from https://revistas.censa.edu.cu/index.php/RPV/article/view/1318


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