Parasitic nematodes affecting Phaseolus vulgaris L.- in Latin America and Cuba: species, damage, and evaluated management tactics

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Daine Hernández-Ochandía
Mayra G. Rodríguez Hernández
Ricardo Holgado


The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important food source to Latin-American population, and the plant parasitic nematodes (PPN) are among the several pests that damage the crop. The objectives of the study were to analyze and summarize the available information concerning the relationships between PPN and P. vulgaris in Latin America, focusing on the difficulties and perspectives of this topic for Cuba, in order to provide a tool to be used for capacity building of stakeholders and management options for a secure production. The information for this study was collected from different accessible databases such as SciELO, Sciencedirect and other repositories. The information obtained showed that the nematodes reported to be associated to common bean in the region studied were Meloidogyne arenaria (Neal) Chitwood, M. decalineata Whitehead, M. ethiopica Whitehead (syn. jun. M. brasiliensis), M. hapla Chitwood, M. incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood, M. inornata Lordello, M. javanica (Treub) Chitwood, M. luci Carneiro et al., M. phaseoli Charchar et al., Meloidogyne spp., the leaf nematode Aphelenchoides besseyi Christie, the false root knot nematode Nacobbus aberrans (Thorne) Thorne & Allen, and the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus spp. The attention received by these nematodes has been mostly on aspects related to the evaluation of cultivars and other tactics such as soil preparation, intercropping and the use of biological agents. It was found that more than 45 bean genotypes showed some level of resistance to Meloidogyne ssp. (root-knot nematodes species), outstanding the cultivars ‛Aporé’ in Brazil and ‛Triunfo-70’ in Cuba; the resistant genes in both cultivars could be useful in bean breeding programs for root-knot nematodes resistance in both countries. In Cuba, beans have a great importance in food security issues. It is necessary to increase the knowledge on the relationships between PPN and P. vulgaris, as a basic element for an adequate crop management in order to secure the crop production.

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Hernández-Ochandía, D., Rodríguez Hernández, M. G., & Holgado, R. (2018). Parasitic nematodes affecting Phaseolus vulgaris L.- in Latin America and Cuba: species, damage, and evaluated management tactics. Revista De Protección Vegetal, 33(3). Retrieved from


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